32 Moments From “Dragon Ball Z” That Were Way, Way Too Intense
So intense.
1. That time Cell stomped Android 16’s head into blood and wire:
3. That time Trunks sliced through Freiza like he was a piece of toast…. and then spread some of that sweet, sweet butter:
4. That time father and son united to melt Cell with a Kamehameha and save Earth:

FUNimation / Via dragonball-world.tumblr.com
5. That time Goku put Raditz in a half-nelson and got skewered by Piccolo’s Special Beam Cannon, leaving his wife and kid behind:
Shueisha / Via forever-dragonball-z.tumblr.com
6. That other time Goku left his wife and kids behind:

FUNimation / Via forever-dragonball-z.tumblr.com
7. That other, other time Goku left his wife and kids behind:
FUNimation / Via forever-dragonball-z.tumblr.com
8. When Goku was a little too excited to see Chi-Chi again:
FUNimation / Via dragonball-world.tumblr.com
9. When Freiza made Krillin his little space rag-doll and blew him right the hell up:
FUNimation / Via dragonball-world.tumblr.com
11. When Piccolo started training Gohan after Goku died and was a total hardass:
FUNimation / Via i.imgur.com
12. When Piccolo found true friendship with Gohan and sacrificed himself for the kid:
FUNimation / Via forever-dragonball-z.tumblr.com
13. That time when a Saibamen blew himself up and left behind only a hand and Yamcha’s corpse:
FUNimation / Via knowyourmeme.com
14. When Chiaotzu tried to do the same exact thing, but only ended up killing himself:
FUNimation / Via neogohan.co.vu
15. That time when Goku arrived to fight Vegeta after everyone was pretty much dead:
FUnimation / Via dragonball-world.tumblr.com
18. That moment when a villain transforms and the Z fighters can’t land a single punch:
20. That time Vegeta sacrificed himself in order to defeat Buu:
FUNimation / Via litafan4ever.tumblr.com
21. When Freiza made a giant ball of death to kill Bardock and all the Saiyans, but not before Bardock had a vision of Goku growing up to defeat Freiza:
22. When Vegeta tried to get revenge for the destruction of Planet Vegeta, but Freiza tortured him and shot him through the heart with an energy beam:
FUNimation / Via imgur.com
23. Any of the times the Dragonballs were used to revive the dead and Shenron made it seem like sh*t was going to go DOWN:
FUNimation / Via dragonball.wikia.com
24. When Tien nearly killed himself by using his life-force to pummel Cell into the ground:
FUNimation / Via i.imgur.com
25. That time Buu turned Chi-Chi into an egg…. and stomped her out:
26. When Future Trunks flipped the f*ck out after the Androids killed Gohan:
FUNimation / Via reddit.com
28. When a revived Piccolo visited Namek for the first time, fused with Nail, and had this insane pep talk with himself:
29. When Vegeta finally was able to go Super Saiyan, but Android 18 still snapped his arm in half with one kick:
FUNimation / Via meyong.tumblr.com
30. That moment when Gohan’s monkey form was pissing off Piccolo and he was like F*CK YOU MOON:
FUNimation / Via reddit.com
31. That time Piccolo and Goku had some time off to be regular Earthlings:
FUNimation / Via reddit.com
32. And you realized that, despite being the most talented fighters on Earth, the Z-Fighters didn’t know how to drive:
FUNimation / Via imgur.com
Everybody has their strengths, I guess.
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